Hacker Hours Logo

Learn, Grow, Teach, Code

Weekly meetups: Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.

Join Us!
Group Photo


We're a diverse group of web developers and programmers of varying skill levels. We meet up to learn, to teach and to help each other with projects. We believe even advanced developers can learn from beginners in the fast-moving world of development—everyone is a perpetual beginner at something. Most of us are working toward greater competence in JavaScript, C#, .NET, MVC frameworks (Angular, etc.), backend languages (PHP, MySQL, Node) and really anything. Everyone, regardless of level, has something valuable to teach and learn so come on down!

Why Code?

We believe even advanced developers can learn from beginners in the fast-moving world of development—everyone is a perpetual beginner at something. Most of us are working toward greater competence in JavaScript, C#, .NET, MVC frameworks (Angular, etc.), backend languages (PHP, MySQL, Node) and really anything. Everyone, regardless of level, has something valuable to learn.

The Boise Code Community

We believe even advanced developers can learn from beginners in the fast-moving world of development—everyone is a perpetual beginner at something. Most of us are working toward greater competence in JavaScript, C#, .NET, MVC frameworks (Angular, etc.), backend languages (PHP, MySQL, Node) and really anything. Everyone, regardless of level, has something valuable to learn.

Close-up of hands on a laptop coding.



Available through the Boise Library for free
Online classes in various languages,
earn badges as you go!
Online challenges and courses
Smarter Way to Learn Javascript
Online e-Book
Boise Codes
Boise Library has resources for Lynda.com and Treehouse


Stack Exchange
Search or Ask program related questions
Hacker News
News and Information for software developers
edX is an online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.


MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
Stanford Online offers a variety of professional education opportunities in conjunction with many of the University’s schools and departments, and free online courses taught by Stanford faculty to lifelong learners worldwide.
Close-up of hands on a laptop coding.


One of our goals at Hacker Hours is to put our coding skills to use. We’re always looking for contributors, as well as ideas for new projects for non-profits or other good causes. If you’d like to join one of our projects listed below, or have an idea for a new project, please contact us.

Hacker Hours Website

We’re building the official website for Hacker Hours in Boise.
Skills Needed
The site is being built using a combination of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and the Bootstrap framework.


Learning the ins and outs of collaboration and team tools while working on startup ideas and goals.
Skills Needed
Any ideas are welcome


Come Hang Out!

As of now the most convenient way for us to organize events and recruit new members is through our Meetup group. We meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30–9:30 pm. at the Boise Public Library on Capitol.

Let's Meetup!